workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitary science workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitary science workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitary science
Man/Woman Complementarity
sacred sexuality

Understanding the role of Man and of Woman
in the universal harmony

If the man represents spirit, structure and strength, he must respect and protect the woman-energy who may reveal herself as an initiator, a muse, a daughter, a wife or a mother according to the magic of the moment...
And the woman then must learn how to master and to transform the forces of destruction that underlie her deep nature.
In an evolution-oriented and qualitative exchange, man and woman, avoiding the trap of passionate dependency, will be able to specify their respective role and their own identity in order to recover harmonious communion.


A workshop in 4 sessions


1. The plane of power
Becoming aware of, and demarcating, one's lower body.
Mastery of one's limit.

2. The plane of life
The role of sexuality.
Contention and transmutation of the energies.
Initiation to Tantra.
3. The plane of soul
Managing one's emotional dimension.
Man-woman relationships.
Release yourself from reflexes, automatic behaviours, and conditionings.

4. The plane of spirit:
For the man: to recover his knightly dimension,
For the woman: to recover her subtle soul dimension,
Man-woman archetype and contact with one's cosmic dimension.

"During this very interesting workshop, I realised on how many level I still have to work. I could perceive some of my conditionings, I thought that was a personal problem but, in fact, it is something from which I should release myself because
they are but one aspect of myself...
"Today, the most interesting thing was the constitution of our group, in which each of us had a different role for complementarity; this allowed me to have a sense of very great balance.
My thanks to all the teachers.
Gioia, Rome

A dynamic workshop enlivened with exercises, visualizations,
games, meditations...