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The Inner Being's Blooming Process

The 12 Planes of the Timeless Voyage - Level III
Workshop in 12 sessions

Understanding the concept of its incarnation Program
Find harmony and balance necessary for the development of the inner being
Having a more accurate understanding of the interdimensional frames.
Integrating in his life the cosmic messenger dimension
Conquer his energetic and spiritual freedom
Live more in touch with his inner unity


Universal Resonance
The place of Earth in the Universe_ Planetary mutation
Learning to control the limit of one's
emission facing the infinite
* Material Stabilisation
Developing mastery in the treatment of one's imperious system.
Relation between power and the power within us
Exchanging with antimatter
* Social Integration
Mastering the unity-multiplicity polarization
Codes for one's liberation
* Physical Purification
Managing the physical and energy bodies
Continuity between the three bodies: Body of power,
physical body and energy body.
* Vital Regulation
Intervention of the unitary body on the physical body during the paroxysm.
Superhuman-human-inhuman relation.
Yin-yang equilibrating.
* Psycho-emotional Rebalancing
Better defining what is the most important thing to do during one's existence.
Communion and mutual support.
Return to one's subtle body

* Emotional Harmonisation
Happiness and organ of numeration of man and woman.
Mastering one's reflection and taming the animal, the human,
for its reconnection to the cosmic order.

* Mental Structuring
The temporal physical geometry.
Reinsertion from the external numeration to the internal numeration
* The Awakening of Consciousness
Meeting the dimension of perfection of the Intra-Universe
Developing energy networks clear-sightedness
* Poetical Inspiration
Creating a resonance of subtle beauty
Contacting the soul dimension_ Developing one's talents
Dancing to unify with the sidereal poetry.
* Interdimensional Telepathy
Spaceships sightings, energy correspondences.
Telepathy and connexion_ dimensions and fleets
Contacting one's ship.
* Spiritual Unification
Developing one's inner consciousness connected to the unitary field
God the Supreme and the cosmic man
Spiritual inspiration and transcendence.

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