workshops unitary science workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitary science workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitary science workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience workshops unitaryscience
Growth of the Energetic,
Subtle and Spiritual Bodies

Workshop in 8 sessions



* Strengthening the continuity between the energy, subtle and spiritual bodies


* Mastering one's exterior systems and the limit of one's aura
* The various layers of the aura

Release his body from potency
* Liberate oneself from karmic situations linked to other incarnations

* Management of the physical body in continuity with the energy bodies
* System of mutants_ Exiting the biological body
* Purifying the ethereal body

* Notion of high and low astral worlds, freeing oneself from blockages and fears.
*Reunifying the energy bodies

* Concrete and abstract mind
* Telepathy and transference

* Communication between the visible and the invisible
* Transfer and elevation inside the light field

* Synthesizing all of one's figures into a unified signature
* Interdimensional Transfer chain

* Constitution of the spiritual body
* Meditation of Subtle transfer

Through exercises, games, visualizations, concentrations, meditations,
you will experience with intensity, the conexion with all vehicles.

- Frederique (France):
This workshop gave me really important keys in order to understand better The Unitary Science, specially concerning the setting in place of the various vehicles that are tools to help us to do the work of our incarnation. A very strong contact with the divine essence that is inside of us and above us, who watch over us with an infinite goodness and great emotion, something difficult to transmit but that I keep internally as a reference. With all these keys, what is important is to do the point where we are with our life, work and put more mystical momentum, sanctify the activity we do all day. This workshop is very rich. I Board everyone to do this workshop because it helps us to better understand, experiment and exchange with other beings. With these references all this remains well engraved inside of us. And I could see the immense work that J.P.Appel Guéry is doing, in this plan and the other dimensions. Thanks really!