We provide these Workshop
in 4 sessions
videoconference, in an interactive virtual world with your avatar.
Exterior Plane:
Learning to purify, better control and harmonise the energies
constantly interfere in our lives.
Become aware of your root, of the power that characterizes
and manage the deeper aspects of your persona
Interior Plane:
Knowing and applying in your life, the centralisation and
transmutation of energies at all levels: physical, sexual,
emotional, mental and spiritual.
To develop creative thinking, transparency and transcendence. |
ourselves from the energetic states that hinder our fulfilment
by learning
to become more fluid, to reunite, to structure, to refocus,
to connect and to rise.
Knowing your power, strength and acquiring the necessary
to better understand its incarnation on this planet.
To develop the secrets of his inner universe.
- To awaken its extrasensory faculties of perception,
contact with its cosmic dimension and the plan of Unity.

workshop is built as a game, integrating information, exercises,
thoughts, meditations and advice,
for a better balance and wellbeing in daily life.
: «"The virtual world with its beauty, its
fantastic interdimensional landscapes, helped me to work
with our more subtle bodies and even if our presence is
virtual with our avatar, we feel the presence of those
who are next to us, we feel it as if they were really
present, close to us. I have experienced a great development
of my perception and I thank the presence of everyone,
as well as those who have achieved this synthesis.»
Regina : «I
lived these moments with great intensity and it was wonderful
to experience all this together. I am filled with gratitude
for being able to participate in this teaching and I thank
everyone for sharing their inner richness.»
Renata : «This
seminar was very special. It strengthened me a lot and
I experienced a new stage in the control of my energies.
I feel blessed to have been able to live and integrate
these teachings.»
Yayeko : « Living this course in the virtual
world was fantastic and very initiatory. I felt inwardly
how the presence of the avatar also helped me to live
the exercises more intensely... Thank you very much for
this workshop and all the operational knowledge it brought
Janaina: "For me it was a great gift to
receive this information. I experienced a plan of great
accuracy. The virtual world is an accompaniment that strengthens
integration. Thank you for all this work. »
Robson : «I
would like to thank all those who have participated in
this beautiful union we have experienced. For me it was
like a homecoming, a recovery of memories of who we really
are, which is very precious. A big thank you!»
Letizia : «I
was happy to feel that I am no longer alone in my search.
I am deeply grateful to be able to receive and live these
teachings together with you.»
Ines : «It was marvellous, the virtual
world brings me incredible enchantment. I was able to
work precisely on my roots and be able to extract them,
it was very precise, in a very synthetic form, it gave
me great internal strength. I also experienced a connection
beyond the plane of light, the contact with an energy
of pure vibration. Gratitude for all this precious teaching!
Marceli : «It's
a great privilege to be able to take part in this course,
to be in contact with people of great sensitivity who
have the same research and also to have the opportunity
to live all this knowledge inwardly. Gratitude!»
Bruno : «This
is the third seminar I am doing and I feel that the big
decisions I have made in my life come from the inspirations
I receive through this positive vibration and the energy
transmitted in these teachings. Many thanks to all of
you! »